Limited edition. Self-winding mechanical movement. Date feature at the 3 o'clock hour. Screw Caseback & Sapphire crystal.
8000 units Limited edition.
Self-winding mechanical movement Cal. 4R35.
Date feature at the 3 o'clock hour.
Unidirectional rotating elapsed time bezel.
"Green Lumibright Pro" in hands, dial and bizel.
Screw Caseback.
Sapphire crystal.
Black Stainless Steel Case and silicone strap.
2 Years International Warranty.
Dimensions: For MEN.
Length: 48,4 mm.
Wide: 47,2 mm.
Thickness: 13,0 mm.
Diál diameter Ø: 32,8 mm.
Weight: 122 gr.